Perssephone - Performance

In October 2022, I gave a performance,  part of the installation “Persephone” by the art group CultivationCultivation. 

The bipolar essence of  the Quine of underword, is expressed withthe   two color footprint of a my body on a paper. 

The sound played during the performance,  is a grotesque two parts composition, based on the  voices of all members of the group. 

Fragments of the performancecan be viewed in the video below. 

2022: The  art group CultivationCultivation presented an installation in the Platforms Project 22  in the School of fine Art in Athens. 

The installation is a collaborative work between all seven members of the group.

The installation was accompanied by two performances.

Performances: 1. Stella Tsoumatidou , 2. Ekaterini Kriezi

both Lydia and Ekaterini are part of the group CultivationCultivation