mix media work
In this work we use one of the imprints created during the performance “Persephone” given by Ekaterini Kriezi in 2022. The performance was accompanying the project “Persephone” by artist-group “CultivationCultivation”, presented in PlatformsProject 2022, in Athens.
We, Lydia and Ekaterini, both work on the same imprint but with our own technics and we create a new work of mix media.
The work was presented in the exhibition “Ichnographia”, organized by “CultivationCultivation”. There were three other imprints created by 6 other artists, members of the artist-group.
Wall work, dimensions 200 x 150 cm each, mixed media (paper pencils, ink, digital photos, Plexiglas), 2023
Romanso, Athens, November 2023