Exhibition "XPOSED - Naked and not Afraid"
Participation in the “XPOSED – Naked & Not Afraid” exhibition organized by The Knox Contemporary Gallery of Art.
The Knox Contemporary Gallery of Art, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, is pleased to announce
“XPOSED – Naked & Not Afraid”, Our Third Annual Celebration and Exploration of the Human Figure, Human Sexuality & Identity Exhibition, showcasing the talents of unique Contemporary Artists from around the world.
Exhibition Dates: November 12 – 30, 2021.
This Juried International On-Line Virtual Exhibition Can Be Viewed By Visiting www.knoxgalleryofart.com
“An unexpected dialog between a plastic beauty and a human figure taking place in an amniotic surrealistic landscape.” Participation Ekaterini Kriezi with digital compositions Lobster 1 and Lobster 2.

Detail from Lobster 1